Submitted by Steilacoom Historical Museum Assoc.

November 11 and 12, Saturday & Sunday, the community is invited to enjoy a tour of the beautifully decorated historical Orr Home – this year with a nod to our nautical heritage – “Celebrate the SEAson!” We’ll have the Museum Store open with lots of interesting items for sale. Hours are 10am-4pm on Saturday and 12-4pm on Sunday. $10pp for adults, payable at the door, to benefit the Museum. For the kids, we’ll have a free drop-in event with fun activities on Saturday also at the Museum, 10-4pm. See our website for more information – Hope to see you there!
Please clarify: Friday and Saturday Nov. 11 & 12 or Saturday and Sunday Nov. 12 & 13? The dates don’t match the days.
Thank you.
Upon closer look … the blue flier seems to have correct dates. The text in the announcement has conflicting dates.