A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Lakeview Hope Academy fifth grader Sosanna Johnson.
Sosanna has been enjoying math this year and is proud of the way she’s tackling new, challenging lessons. “Fifth grade has been a lot harder, and we’re doing difficult things to make us more responsible before going to sixth grade,” she said. “We’ve been multiplying and dividing, which I love, but now it’s more exciting because we’re using two and three-digit numbers.”
Sosanna is quiet in class, but always makes sure to participate when the teacher calls on her or asks for help. Her assigned role in class is the official “Paper Passer Outer,” and when her teacher asks for a student to help clean or organize, she is always up to the task. “My favorite part of the day is seeing my friends, but I always make sure to get my work done and help out in class before anything else,” she said.
Many fifth graders are still deciding on their goals for the future, but Sosanna is certain of her career path as an art teacher. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher because I love helping kids, but I also like doing art a lot,” she said. “One of my friends gave me the idea of being an art teacher because it combines both of my favorite things. Now I know for sure that it’s what I’m going to do.”
In her free time, Sosanna is pursuing her passion for art through her paintings. Currently, her favorite objects to portray are flowers.