A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Custer Elementary School first grader Olivia Williams.
Olivia is enjoying all the new subjects her first grade class is learning, but her favorite lesson so far this year was about number bonds. “It teaches you addition and it’s been really fun to know a new skill,” she said.
Olivia has stood out to her teacher and principal this year because of her kind heart and eagerness to include all her fellow Custer students. “I like being really nice to people,” she said. “If people are all alone sitting on the Buddy Bench, I always ask them if something’s wrong or if they need help to make sure they’re okay. Then, I always play with them.”
Every day, Olivia looks forward to the time in class where everyone learns how to read and pronounce new words with their teacher. “Our teacher will say a word like ‘cat’ and then sound out each part of the word, and we do it with her,” she explained. “It’s fun to learn a lot of new words. I can’t wait to start reading and writing more on my own when I get better and start putting together sentences.”
Olivia may have just started first grade, but she already has big plans for her future career as an FBI agent. “I like to help people and want to be there to help people if they have any problems,” she said. “I hope that if someone’s in danger I can bring them back to their family because I love my family and I know they do too.”