Talks with the Chief: How do we recruit officers to TPD
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Tacoma Police Department video.
Chief Moore answers the question, “how do we recruit officers to TPD?”
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Reader Interactions
Remind officers they are human and encourage them to connect with people on personal levels. teach them that every person deserves compassion, understanding, and that accidents happen. not every crime is committed by a criminal. People’s view of officers are based on their interactions with officers. Improve officer-citizen interactions and you’ll increase applications. Most people want to protect innocent and help thy neighbor, but No-one wants to work with a group of bullies or closed minded jerks, I’ve seen a lot of improvement with the way tpd has been handling situations, but there’s still a long way to go before people begin trusting the boys in blue…….
Remind officers they are human and encourage them to connect with people on personal levels. teach them that every person deserves compassion, understanding, and that accidents happen. not every crime is committed by a criminal. People’s view of officers are based on their interactions with officers. Improve officer-citizen interactions and you’ll increase applications. Most people want to protect innocent and help thy neighbor, but No-one wants to work with a group of bullies or closed minded jerks, I’ve seen a lot of improvement with the way tpd has been handling situations, but there’s still a long way to go before people begin trusting the boys in blue…….