City of Lakewood announcement.
112th Street SW is finally patched!
This week a contractor performed emergency repairs on 112th Street SW between Holden Road SW and Butte Drive SW to improve the roadway.
Due to the high traffic volume from the Washington Boulevard SW detour the roadway deteriorated, needing to be patched. The city authorized an emergency contract to fix the road.
With the patching complete, 112th Street SW is now open without reduced lanes and is not expected to see additional road work in the immediate future.
Work continues in Lake City
Comcast removed its lines from the poles near the roundabout at Gravelly Lake Drive and Nyanza Road. The poles should be removed soon by Puget Sound Energy. Once gone, the city’s contractor will pour the final sidewalk panels south of Nyanza Road.
Work continues next week at Washington Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue and along the road to prepare for curb installation. Concrete is anticipated to be poured in this area by the end of next week.
Want to know the latest about the work happening with the JBLM-North Acess project? Visit the project page to sign up for email updates.
Steilacoom Boulevard sidewalk installation
All sidewalks east of Steilacoom Boulevard and 88th Street SW are done with the exception of one pour. Paving behind driveways will happen early next week.
Then the contractor will have a short period of no work while they gather material for the wall planned for the south side of Steilacoom Boulevard, west of Phillips Road. Construction will stop on this project for the winter. This is due to a delay in when new signals will be available, which is the result of a number of factors outside the city and contractor’s control.
The contractor expects to get as much work done as possible before stopping.
It’s a shame Lakewood didn’t patch all the potholes between Gravelly Lake and Bridgeport, which they partially patched. Only parts of potholes were filled in, months ago, while parts of potholes were left unfilled. The area in front of the First Baptist Church is especially noticeable.
WAY TO GO City of Lakewood!