City of Tacoma announcement.
The Green Tacoma Partnership invites businesses, community groups, families, and individuals to participate in Green Tacoma Day and Arbor Day, on Saturday, October 8, from 9 AM to noon. Participants can volunteer to plant trees, remove weeds and litter, connect with the community, and provide a helping hand to local green spaces. No experience is necessary. Tools, gloves, and training are provided.
Green Tacoma Day kicks off Green City Days, a series of events across 15 cities throughout King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties. Green City Days is a region-wide effort to engage volunteers and help support forest restoration and planting at more than 40 parks across the region. Maintained urban parks and forests provide safe access to nature, clean air, and a habitat for plants and animals to thrive.
Participants can choose from events at the following Green Tacoma Day locations, including South Ash Street, East M Street Slope, Gog-le-hi-te Wetlands, Foss Seaport, Peck Fields, Swan Creek Park Community Garden Loop, Franklin Park, Trafton Open Space, Delong Park, McKinley Park, The Asia Pacific Cultural Center, and Point Defiance. To register for each of these locations, visit
This day is a celebration of the Green Tacoma Partnership’s work to restore urban green spaces, while Arbor Day celebrates the planting, growing, and caring of Tacoma’s trees. For 28 years, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Tacoma as a Tree City USA, and for 18 years has recognized Tacoma Power as a Tree Line USA for the City’s commitment to maintaining a healthy tree canopy.
In addition, residents interested in keeping Tacoma green in their backyard are encouraged to participate in the Tree Coupon Program. The program is open from October 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023, to Tacoma and Pierce County residents. For more information, visit
Green Tacoma Partnership members include Tacoma Tree Foundation, Pierce Conservation District, City of Tacoma, Metro Parks Tacoma, Forterra, Tacoma School District, and Tacoma Community College.
For an up-to-date list of all Green Tacoma Day sites and to register for the festivities, visit, or contact Forterra at (206) 905-6922.