Submitted by Isa Farrington Nichols.

Tacoma Evergreen State College continues to build on its community origins and history of community responsiveness by inviting students and the community to join renowned Author Isa Farrington-Nichols as she leads them through her restorative journey from being the Genesis Victim of the DC Sniper to RESTORE: A Guide for Truth and Reconciliation Through Traumatic Experiences.
Taking place at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at Tacoma Evergreen State College, 1210 S 6th Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98405
“In response to the traumatic events that have occurred in our country in the past few years, Tacoma Evergreen State College has been insightful in seeing the need for healing and reconciliation in our community and in our nation,” says Isa Farrington Nichols. “I am excited to return to a place that has been so welcoming and supportive to me during my journey. I look forward to speaking to many of the brightest young minds and next-generation world leaders and to perhaps spark their imaginations to what a holistic centered life and community can look like. I am honored to be in my capacity as a healing agent and Truth Guide to do my part in bringing hope. This event is for everyone, we have all experienced trauma at some level, and that trauma has robbed us of being our Best Self. Join us and let’s Reclaim Hope and a Future.”