Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement.
In the past 2 weeks, more than 15,000 Pierce County residents got a COVID-19 vaccine dose. That’s up from 4,800 doses the previous 2 weeks. Why the jump? More than 12,000 of those doses were new bivalent boosters.
Thousands of our friends and neighbors sought protection from the latest omicron variants. You can too! Most of our vaccine events carry the new boosters. Find your dose today at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture.
As of Sept. 17, 68.6% of all Pierce County residents completed their primary series of COVID-19 vaccine and 26.2% are up to date. We’ve administered 1,692,600 doses to Pierce County residents and 628,100 completed their primary series, and 239,800 residents are up to date.
In the last 2 weeks:
- We administered 15,300 doses.
- We administered 1,200 first doses.
- An average of 1,100 residents received a dose each day.
Vaccination percentages (up to date) by age group:
- 0-4: 5.9%
- 5-11: 8.6%
- 12-17: 21.4%
- 18-19: 28.9%
- 20-34: 26.3%
- 35-49: 37.3%
- 50-64: 17.6%
- 65-79: 35.9%
- 80 and older: 40.0%
Find more COVID-19 vaccination data, demographics and a map at tpchd.org/covid19cases. Click on each heading to see tables, maps and dashboards. Find your COVID-19 vaccine dose at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture.
Find more information on:
- Case counts, hospitalizations, vaccination and other metrics.
- COVID-19 vaccines.
- Getting a COVID-19 test.
- Childcare and schools.