Lakewood Police Department social media post.
Last week we conducted our 3rd shoplifting emphasis this year. We arrested 12 people and recovered $3,000 in merchandise. So far in 2022 we’ve arrested 34 people – 3 on felony charges; 31 on misdemeanor charges – through these targeted efforts. We recovered $7,441.65 in goods.
With so much emphasis from our pandering politicians on free stuff, it’s no wonder people think they are entitled to take what they want without earning it.
Thankyou Lakewood Police Department for intercepting that behavior.
Now if only the school system would shift emphasis to morals, ethics, and hard work.
People have been stealing from stores
around here since the beginning of time.
This is not a new revelation, it is
only one that business owners chose not to
focus on publicly.
Yes, it’s great that LPD has time to focus on this crime finally, but bear in mind that these thefts are NOT an act of the pandemic, or whatever excuse is convenient at this moment, it’s a cause that follows the effect, and will continue as long
as there are simple minds in our society.
How much of any merchandise recovered will actually go back to the business?
Probably none, just like when none is recovered, because it has to be segregated in accounting and is already written off.
I am glad that an effort is being made to deal with this problem, however, bear in mind that it’s not even close to ending the crime,, it will just make thieves step up their game and life will go on.
Have a nice day.
I think it’s great that the Lakewood PD is putting an emphasis on shoplifting and making arrests. However making arrests is only part of equation. We need prosecutors willing to prosecute. Only then will the crime rate that plagues us come down.