Clover Park School District announcement.

The theme for the Clover Park School District calendar this year is “Imagine.” Students approach everything they do with without limitations, knowing they can overcome obstacles and achieve any goal they have for their future.
This September, we are celebrating our Multilingual Learner (MLL) students who put extra effort into their classes as they learn English while completing their classes. They demonstrate our Four Pillars of success as lifelong learners who continue to develop a skill that will open many doors for them in the future.
As of this September, 1,515 students are enrolled in MLL programs throughout the district. This amounts to roughly 13% of the student population. About 24 languages are represented in our program and Spanish and Samoan are the two foreign languages most commonly spoken by students.
At Four Heroes Elementary School, MLL students were proud to don traditional dress and celebrate the many different nationalities and cultures that build our CPSD community. They achieve milestones in their MLL class every day and know the power of perseverance when reaching a goal.