City of Lakewood announcement.
The Lakewood City Council began its regular meeting Sept. 19, 2022 with two special recognitions.
The first was a proclamation read by Councilmember Mike Brandstetter recognizing Sept. 25 through Oct. 1, 2022 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Week.
As noted in the proclamation: Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children between infancy and age 15, and is detected in more than 16,000 children across the country each year with an estimated 400,000 children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Council urged Lakewood residents to learn more about childhood cancer and what can be done to support families impacted. Read the proclamation.

Mayor Jason Whalen read the evening’s second proclamation, recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce.
The proclamation highlighted the contributions of the Chamber including its collaborative relationships with the surrounding military community, civic organizations, schools, businesses, neighboring cities and towns and Pierce County to promote economic development and tourism in our region. For 50 years the Chamber has contributed to the growth and prosperity of the city, making Lakewood a desirable place to live, open and operate a business and raise a family. Read the proclamation.
Presentations: Council heard two presentations, one from the Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound and the other from Northwest Youth Corps. The city allocated some of its American Rescue Plan Act funds to these agencies. The money went to help fund youth activities. Representatives from each agency shared how they helped youth with the money received.
Council action: Council took final action on Ordinance 774. This piece of legislation amended existing ordinances 695 and 696 related to the city’s Downtown Subarea Plan. Instead of reviewing the plan every two years, Council amended the regulations to review the plan every five years. The change was recommended by the city’s Planning Commission. Council has the option to review the plan before the five-year period is up, if necessary.
What’s on deck: Council will hold a study session Sept. 26, 2022 at 7 p.m. Tentative agenda items include:
- Review of Tree Preservation Code Update
- Joint Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board meeting
- Tacoma Public Utilities Proposed Budget and Rates Development Presentation – John Gaines, Community Relations Manager
- Review of Nisqually Indian Tribe Partnership Project
- Review of City Council Rules of Procedures
Watch the meeting: City Council Meeting of September 19, 2022