City of Lakewood announcement.
Phase 1: Gravelly Lake Dr – Pacific Hwy to Interlaaken/Washington
Street lighting was turned on this week at Washington Blvd/Gravelly and Washington/Interlaaken.
Comcast will be out to work on the poles along Gravelly south of Nyanza and at the intersection of Washington/Interlaaken the week of Sept. 19 and Sept. 26. Once Comcast has relocated, the contractor will pour the final three sidewalk panels south of Nyanza along Gravelly and repair the curb in the roundabout at Gravelly/Nyanza that was damaged on May 27.
A small section of precast curb will be installed along Gravelly south of Nyanza on September 20.
Once these tasks are finished, the first phase of the project will be physically complete.
Phase 2: North Gate Rd, Edgewood Ave, Washington Blvd
The contractor has completed the drainage section and the first half of the concrete pavement at the North Gate/Edgewood roundabout. The second half of the concrete pavement pour is scheduled for September 19. Asphalt paving of North Gate Road between Nottingham and Edgewood and along Edgewood between North Gate Road and Washington will be performed on September 28 and September 29 provided the paver remains on schedule with the other projects ahead of the JBLM project.

Water main installation on Washington Blvd between Edgewood and Vernon will carry into the week of September 16. During the week, they will pressure test and are scheduled to ensure that the line is sanitized over the weekend of September 24-25. Following the purity tests, they will flush and make main connections. They then have about a week of service connections to make to each house along Washington.
Grading of the intersection of Washington/Edgewood and along the road in preparation for curb will then take place.