Tacoma Urban League announcement.

The Tacoma Urban League is excited to present our 2022 Empowerment Awards Dinner which will be held at the Hotel Murano on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6 PM. Register here.
Featuring Keynote Speaker Michael D. Tubbs, we invite you to support your community and join us at this important celebration as we recognize of some of our most influential community leaders.
What were you doing at age 26? Keynote Speaker Michael D. Tubbs was making history.
In 2016, he was elected Mayor of Stockton at 26-years-old. He was the city’s first African-American Mayor, and the youngest Mayor of any major city in American history. As Mayor, Tubbs was lauded for his leadership
and innovation. He raised over $20 million dollars to create the Stockton Scholars, a universal scholarship and mentorship program for Stockton students. Additionally, he piloted the first mayor-led guaranteed income pilot in the country. Currently, he is the Special Advisor to California Governor Gavin Newsom for Economic Mobility and Opportunity; the Founder of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI); and the Founder of End Poverty in California (EPIC).
Under his leadership, Stockton was named an “All-America City” in 2017 and 2018 by the National Civic League. The city saw a 40% drop in homicides in 2018 and 2019, led the state of California in the decline of officer involved shootings in 2019, and was named the second most fiscally healthy city in California. Additionally, it was recognized as one of the most fiscally healthy cities in the nation and was featured in an HBO documentary film, “Stockton on My Mind.”
“Raising money” for a cause is not the same thing as earning sustainable income.
Governmental “Guaranteed income” is a ponzi scheme that only serves the “pilots” of the program, until it inevitably crashes.
As these “pilots” fly off to a career in politics, the citizens are left to struggle with sustaining the unsustainable.
Good old-fashioned sound economics is the thing that endures.
It’s just not an attractive launch pad for “rising stars”.