The Tacoma Tai Chi Improvement Club will presents their 4th annual semi-extravaganza Tai Chi Awareness Event at the Washington State Fair from 3:30-5:30 pm on Saturday, September 17.
Because every extravaganza should have a ventriloquist, Works of Gina’s will open the show with music and puppets who have an attitude.

Because September is National Dystonia Awareness month, Tai Chi Club member Marti Lambert who lives with this neurological condition, will give tips on how to relate to friends with this challenge while she demonstrates how to make play doh at home so your little ones will never again be able to say they have nothing to do.
Food Preparation Demonstrations will include:
- from France – Crepes demonstrated by Personal Chef Anessa McClendon
- from Samoa – sisters Lita Kuea and Rumina Suafoa prepare Chicken Sapasui ma Alaisa which was their father’s version of chicken chop suey with rice
- from New Mexico – Healthy, Quick Easy Enchiladas by AmyMadero
- The Bachelor Cooks – Jim Gutterman makes Banana Bread
- The Baker Babe demonstrates ideas for holiday cooking the family
While delicious recipe samples are being distributed, members of the Tacoma Tai Chi Improvement Club with Teacher Larry Francis will demonstrate a way to keep fit, by illustrating various Yang Family Tai Chi 37 and 10 posture forms – as well as Sword and Cane forms – and of course, the puppets. All of this is in the Pavilion by The Gold Gate, away from the maddening crowd. Dorothy Wilhelm hosts.
Foods Around The World and Tai Chi at the Fair will take place on September 17 from 3:30 to 5:30 on the second floor at the South End of the Pavilion which is just South of the main Gold Gate at 9th and Meridian.