City of Tacoma social media post.
Our budget forecast for 2023-24 shows expenses growing faster than revenues. The General Fund deficit is projected to be $24 million & we want to hear from you as we work to close that gap and develop the 2023-24 Biennial Budget. For more info, visit…
Be nice to the businesses that generate the revenue it takes to pay for vital services like police and fire.
It seems the printed covid money from the other Washington dried up huh?
Social justice isn’t paying the bills? What a surprise.
How would you run your own household with a budget deficit?
If you are 24 million in the hole, you have to tighten your belt and allow business to do what business is designed to do – generate revenue, first for itself, and secondly for city services.
For too long city leadership has treated business as if it were a cow to milk rather than a herd to nurture.
Business does not need you, but you darned sure need business.
Cut the fat, not the muscle.
Remove what does not return on investment, and keep what does.
A third grader can literally do this kind of math.
Read the article above from Gary Davis.
Same basic issue on a smaller scale.