Submitted by Ellie Wilson, Friends of Claudia Thomas.
The Friends of Dr. Claudia Thomas, in partnership with Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity, are pleased to let you know that we now have reached $66,833.26 in donations and pledges! Our heartfelt thanks to those who have given generously, thus far, for this project!

This project serves two purposes — 1. to honor the legacy of Dr. Claudia Thomas and 2. to provide a home in the Tillicum neighborhood of Lakewood for a low income family.
As you know, our goal is $100,000 as a requirement for building a Habitat home. We invite those who have not given yet, to help us in reaching that goal. Claudia’s birthday is September 20th. What a great birthday gift that would be!
Donations and pledges may be given on-line or by contacting Ellie Wilson for a donation/pledge packet… 253-582-9249;
Again, thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Andie Gernon and Ellie Wilson, Co-Chairs
Friends of Dr. Claudia Thomas
Honorary Chairs: Gen. Bill Harrison, Ret. and JoEthel Smith
Friends of Dr. Claudia Thomas: David Boyd, Mary Green,
Natalie Humphrey and Sally Saunders
City Liaison: Mary Dodsworth
Our community also needs to honor Dave Boyd for the countless hours he has given to make Lakewood a better place. He has quietly served on numerous committees without remuneration because he believes in doing good. Thank you Dave for your commitment to our betterment.