Pierce County press release.
Pierce County is updating the Comprehensive Plan and would like the public’s input on future growth in the county.
Planning and Public Works (PPW) staff will visit numerous sites and events throughout Pierce County in September to engage in discussions with residents about what is important to them in their community. The County will also consider the potential impacts of future growth and is seeking comments on what should be included in an environmental impact statement.
Those unable to attend an in-person opportunity can engage in this important conversation through the project website at PierceCountyWa.gov/CompPlan. The website hosts a survey, a calendar of in-person events, the ability to submit environmental review comments, and other information about the update. The public will have many opportunities during this multi-year project to provide input.
Update Topic Areas
Pierce County expects to address the following topics in the update:
- Affordable housing
- Responsible growth
- Health and equity
- Parks and open spaces
- Environment and sustainability
- Transportation and traffic
Pierce County is required by the Growth Management Act (GMA) to review the County’s Comprehensive Plan every 10 years and update where necessary. This is also known as a periodic review. Gaining insight from the people who live and work in Pierce County is an integral part of this update.
About the Comprehensive Plan
The Pierce County Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year policy document that addresses growth in the unincorporated areas of Pierce County. The Comprehensive Plan’s periodic review must be completed by Dec. 31, 2024. It is also the foundation for several community plans and capital facilities planning, which must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan’s policy framework.
Pierce County intends to study the potential impacts of its Comprehensive Plan in an environmental impact statement (EIS). Pierce County is accepting written comments until Oct. 2, 2022.