Submitted by Susanne Bacon.

Labor Day kind of marks the end of summer in the U.S. School starts again around this time. Summer homes get closed down. The campgrounds are emptying of people enjoying their leisure time. It gets quiet on the lakes of Washington State and on Puget Sound.
I have to admit, this year I’m simply not ready for this. It seems like summer only arrived. The cold and dreary winter and spring weather this year lasted way too long. But the crispness of breezes these days betrays that summer is already preparing for the last of its dance (and people in wildfire regions will be glad of this, of course.
Yes, I tried to make the most of this third Covid summer that was accompanied by so much troubling news from all around the world. And at times I was able not to ponder what’s wrong with some people. I enjoyed an open-air book festival; otherwise, I’ve still been avoiding any larger crowds. I went crabbing with my husband and was able to share our forage with our neighbors. We had one or two dinners on our patio. We have barbecued and even been to “the Mountain”. In short, we crammed everything that we usually do over the duration of a few months into this one month of summer.

Transition. The Latin word “transitere” means to pass from one place or state to another. Basically, to cross a border or a line. To change.
This week, while doing groceries, I spotted the first baking goods iced in yellows and oranges – fall colors. And I realize that, after weeks of coldish dinners because of an overheated home, I’m ready for stews and casseroles again. That there ARE a lot of things to look forward to in fall. And I have to remind myself that fall is my favorite season.
Temperatures will be more to my liking. The colors of Nature, its fragrances will once again find me enthused. Every walk outside will be an intensified feast for all our senses. Family fests are coming up. Clamming season will start again. Which means trips to the coast – always something exciting for me.

Transition. Right now, I’m feeling neither here nor there. But it will happen anyhow. Looking back, I can’t even say that I missed out on anything this year so far. Except a bit more of summer. But then – didn’t all of us?!
The one good thing about summer ending is Husky football starting 😉
Hi John, if you are into football, LOL. I love fall in all its nuances. But i love my share of summer, too. This year has simply sold me short … 😉