Submitted by Sound Credit Union.

TACOMA, WA –Sound Credit Union (Sound) is proud to announce the results of their annual charity auction, this year benefiting Business Impact NW.
“Auction Day at Sound has become an annual tradition and one employees look forward to.,” said Jennifer Reed, Vice President of Public Relations. “Employees enjoy the competition of bidding against each other. At the end of the day, we are all proud to know we’ve had the opportunity to work together to support an organization like Business Impact NW.”
With the help of Sound team members, community, and business partners, employees were able to procure nearly 100 auction items. The final amount raised by employees through online bids was $12,245. Sound business partners generously donated $1,750 to the auction. Sound added an additional $10,805 bringing the total donation to an even $25,000.
The proceeds from the auction were donated to Business Impact NW – a nonprofit dedicated to serving underbanked entrepreneurs. The proceeds will assist in providing coaching and business classes to small business owners in the local community.
Sound is dedicated to investing in communities throughout the region. Their partnership with Business Impact NW provides the opportunity to directly support business owners in gaining access to resources in order to create a successful and thriving business, while at the same time, building a stronger community.
“Business Impact NW is honored to be supported by Sound Credit Union and all of their employees,” Business Impact NW, chief strategic officer, Greta Stough said. “Together we are making entrepreneurship a reality for thousands of community members and keeping small businesses strong.”