The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on August 22 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
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I went over the Tree Advisory Committee’s recommendations lightly and was wondering between new houses going up on plots of land and houses already established is that it will cost a home owner $350 for a arborist to come out to see if it’s ok to remove said tree(s) on their property. So when that tree, they say can’t come down, happens to come down in a wind storm on your house, who gets the lawsuit? The arborist or the City of Lakewood? It will definitely be one of the two, make no mistake about that.
That question came up at our Safe Streets pot luck the 2nd of August and ALL neighbors agreed Lakewood will pay if that happens. For the City Council who voted for this……watch the lawsuits roll in, it might have your names on it.
Of course I might be reading this all wrong on your agenda as they are calling the trees Oaks instead of Evergreens, so excuse me if I’m wrong but I’m just saying, we might need clarification here.