City of Lakewood announcement.
At its Aug. 8, 2022 study session the Lakewood City Council held a joint meeting with members of the Public Safety Advisory Committee and heard an update from the Lakewood Planning Commission and Community and Economic Development staff on the progress of the city’s tree preservation code review.
Joint Meeting
Members of the city’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) reviewed the committee’s work plan. This included an overview of the committee’s intent to conduct a survey among Lakewood business owners to hear what is working, what isn’t working and what small business owners want as it relates to public safety. The committee’s focus is to identify action items that can be measured.
The committee and council members also discussed the city’s neighborhood associations and ways to improve engagement among the neighborhoods where the associations are no longer active. The city established the neighborhood associations – one in each police district – as a way to remain connected to neighbors through monthly meetings where topics of interest or concerns could be discussed and heard.
Find more information about the city’s neighborhood associations.
Tree Preservation Code Update
Council members received an update on the status of the tree preservation code review, including a look at recommendations from the Lakewood Planning Commission. The commission reviewed a report crafted by the city’s ad hoc tree committee, which met seven times in March and April to analyze existing tree code regulations and suggest improvements.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing July 6 and ultimately approved Resolution 2022-07 on July 20, 2022, recommending amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan, protection of Lakewood landmarks code, critical areas ordinance and the city’s tree preservation code. The commission also recommended the city consider establishing an urban forestry program.
Find more information about that hearing here.
During the study session Council reviewed a comparison of current code, the ad hoc committee’s suggestions and the Planning Commission recommendations. Council also looked at how tree preservation and urban forestry is done in other jurisdictions, and reviewed resources and options considered by the ad hoc committee and Planning Commission.
Council is expected to resume its review of tree code preservation recommendations at its Aug. 22 study session with a public hearing at its Sept. 6 regular meeting (held at 7 p.m. on the Tuesday following Labor Day) and final consideration at its Sept. 19 regular meeting. Find a list of upcoming meetings here.
The study session presentation materials are available online, or watch the recording from the meeting below. The conversation around the tree code begins at the 32:45 minute mark.