City of Tacoma press release.
TACOMA, Wash. – From a pool of six final candidates, Olgy Diaz has been appointed by the Tacoma City Council to the vacant At-Large Position 7, for a term to expire December 31, 2023. Council Member Diaz, the first Latinx person to serve on the City Council, is to be sworn in August 16, 2022.
“We interviewed an impressive group of applicants and, at the end of the day, Olgy Diaz really stood out as a strong addition to the Tacoma City Council. Her readiness to hit the ground running and work with the City Council and staff to navigate the nuances of the important issues we face is what put her on the top of my list,” said Mayor Victoria Woodards. “I want to thank the community for providing feedback on these applicants at all stages of the process. We received nearly 800 comments and letters of support for the applicants, which was really insightful and helped us understand more about the applicants. We all look forward to working with Council Member Diaz.”
“I am humbled, grateful and honored for this opportunity to serve,” said Council Member Diaz. “I have a sincere enthusiasm and deep passion for policy development, and look forward to helping advance racial justice and equity throughout Tacoma. I look forward to working with my City Council colleagues to enact policies and budgets that create transformational change in our city and local democracy.”
With more than 15 years of experience in government, advocacy, and electoral politics, Council Member Diaz has professional and personal experience working with lawmakers in public policy development, and a deep understanding of public service and community outreach.
The City Council is responsible for enacting all legislation, developing policies, and making general decisions for governing the City organization. Council is charged with adopting and amending City laws, approving the biennial budget, establishing City policies and standards, approving contracts and agreements, and representing the City in the community.
Effective January 1, 2022, Council Members receive an annual salary of $46,789.
“Latinx”? Progressive politically correct wokeness. “Her” is used as her preferred pronoun so why not “Latina” if indeed Olgy Diaz is a woman? Or is the Tacoma City Council also having a hard time defining “woman”? By going “gender neutral” you have robbed her of her individuality as a woman. By the way……….I happen to be a Hispanic man.
I wish her the best of luck in her appointed position and would ask that she lay out what she considers as the “transformational change in our city and local democracy”. She has but a short time to make her mark on Council before facing election in 2023.
Can we say woke, prejudiced, ready to pass discriminatory rules against rights for those not born in the correct group. Tacoma City Council made up of persecutors of victims not born to the selected preferences. Just because you were born, without choice, to the wrong parents you must be guilty and must be punished for your obvious sins.