Lakewood Water District announcement.
At the July 21, 2022, Board of Commissioner’s meeting, the Board approved the no tenant proposal. Starting September 5, 2022, Lakewood Water District will no longer be signing up tenants for water service, and accounts will remain in the property owner’s name.
If your current tenant was signed up prior to September 5, 2022, the account will remain in their name until the account is closed out. After that, the account will remain in the housing provider’s name indefinitely.
Please be assured that the District has taken this proposal very seriously and considered all perspectives on the matter. We thank those who attended the two open houses and offered comments. The District is working to make the transition as easy as possible for housing providers.
Please go to the Districts website for more information, along with frequently asked questions on the change in policy and the answers to each at If you have further questions or concerns, please contact our office directly at 253-588-4423, or email