City of Puyallup announcement.

On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, City contractors will be repairing a section of Shaw Road near Shaw Road Elementary School. All day, contractors will grind and replace 450 feet of asphalt in the southbound lane. Flaggers will be controlling traffic, and one lane will be open. If you drive Shaw Road, expect delays during your morning or evening commute and plan to use alternate routes. Work is expected to be completed that evening.
For questions about this repair project, please contact our Streets Division at 253-841-5505.
When is Puyallup going to realize that the section of Shaw Road from 23rd down to 12th Ave. needs to be lit up and widened. We let thousands of people move here, yet we don’t do anything about our heavily used roads. What the heck do all of our high property tax dollars go to anyway?