Submitted by Diane Formoso.
After two long years Caring for Kids is finally holding its annual Ready to Learn Fair. The event will be held at Harrison Prep on August 13th from 9:00 A.M. until 12 noon. Students in Clover Park, Steilacoom and University Place School Districts on free and reduced lunch are welcome to come and celebrate going back to school. There will be free school supplies, hygiene products, new and good used clothing, good used toys and a hot dog brunch! There will also be free bike helmets provided by West Pierce Fire, vaccinations by the Health Department and haircuts by Clover Park Technical College Students and dedicated community volunteers. There will be other opportunities available also.
Please help us by volunteering on Friday the 12th at 8:00 A.M. at Harrison Prep. We will be moving clothing, school supplies and all the odds and ends into the building for setup. On Saturday we need volunteers at 7:30 to get ready to open the doors. In Clover Park School District alone we have over 8,000 kids on free and reduced lunch.
You do not have to sign up, just show up! Questions please call Diane at 253-279-9777 or email at
A huge Thank you to Diane and her crew for all they do for all our kids.. this is the best example of a loving and giving community… THANK YOU!!!