For many people, having sex with another person of the same sex is a sin against God or at least their version of God. That means people who choose their version of both God and sex see themselves as the moral compass of society and possibly a second or third in command of the appropriateness of sexual (including) homosexual behavior.
Just think it over a second or two. Isn’t it amazing how the world flourished without god for millions and millions of years. Nature did what nature should do, it kept developing . . . year in and year out, ions after ions, even with huge chunks of other planets raining down on us from time to time . . . our world survived. Nature endured and life grew and prospered without any help from humans.
Scientists estimate our world’s life to be 4.54 billion years old, give or take a few million years. That 4.5 billion years ago was part of the building time of our solar system. Living and cooperating cells eventually started working together and became the first animals. Their DNA shows them to be around 800 million years old. Homo sapiens, meaning us, you and me . . . became an upright-walking species that evolved in Africa about 315,000 years ago.

Some people believe that god didn’t create man, but that that man created god. “The first to broach the idea of human beings having created gods were a number of Old Testament Jewish prophets from the eighth century BC onwards. Why has their role here been overlooked? Perhaps it is because it was assumed that a serious critique of religion could only arise from outside a religious perspective.” – Who invented the idea that man made God? – Robert Banks
We can follow the growth of life and see the success of sex at work, but what we can’t include is the idea that there is a moral compass and that it comes from anything other than someone’s imagination. The same goes with humans as it is with other animals. Sex does its job . . . one way or another. Wikipedia has lists of animals and their sexual (including homosexual) habits. We also have a number of comments relating to sex and society.

“Love has no gender – compassion has no religion – character has no race.”
– Abhijit Naskar, Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior
Mammals displaying homosexual behavior . . . from baboons to pandas and many of our favorites in-between.
“How annoyed I am with Society for wasting my time by making homosexuality criminal. The subterfuges, the self-consciousness that might have been avoided” – E.M. Forster

Birds displaying homosexual behavior . . . from barn owls to ravens and rock doves along with the emu.
“George was an atheist, and so am I. But how I long now for an afterlife – a world of light or of deep dazzling darkness, where he and the others we’ve lost reside, unscathed, forever accessible – to have tea with, to talk nonsense with, to reinvent the world with”
– Justin Spring, Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade
Fish displaying homosexual behavior even included our very own favorite salmon. They do whatever it takes for more roe.

“States vote to take away my marriage rights, and even though I don’t want to get married, it tends to hurt my feelings. I guess what bugs me is that it was put to a vote in the first place. If you don’t want to marry a homosexual, then don’t. But what gives you the right to weigh in on your neighbor’s options? It’s like voting whether or not redheads should be allowed to celebrate Christmas.”
– David Sedaris, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls
Don’t skip over reptiles like geckos, snakes, and tortoises, either.
“Still it is true that many same-sex couples want nothing more than to join society as fully integrated, socially responsible family-centered taxpaying Little League-coaching nation-serving respectably married citizens. So why not welcome them in? Why not recruit them by the vanload to sweep in on heroic wings and save the flagging and battered old institution of matrimony from a bunch of apathetic ne’er-do-well heterosexual deadbeats like me”
– Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage
Amphibians like frogs, toads, and salamander are right there as well.

Don’t leave out insects, either. Dragon flies, moths, and beetles are just another world of sex shifting.
“Being homosexual is no more abnormal than being lefthanded.”
– Abhijit Naskar, Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality
“Even if you believe the Genesis record of creation you’ll see that God did not create a black and white world of male and female. Creation is not black and white, it is amazingly diverse, like a rainbow, including sexualities and a variety of non-heterosexual expressions of behavior, affection and partnering occurring in most species, including humans. The ability to reproduce is only a small part of the creation. Before God created male and female he made an even more important statement; ‘it is not good for mankind to be alone’. This is fundamental to all heterosexual and same-sex relationships. Lasting relationships are based on love, trust and commitment, not sex or reproduction. So stop with the ‘God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve’ quote already. It’s boring and an insult to the creator of this incredible universe.”
– Anthony Venn-Brown, A Life of Unlearning – a journey to find the truth
A nice, clear and open minded treatment of a natural facet of our world and humanness. Thank you. How boring and stultifying it would be if all humans were the same – or had to be the same. Instead, accepting diversity as it is would give humans at least a fighting chance to solve the real problems that confront us on the planet we happen to occupy.
Our Congress is too busy investigating Trump to make conditions better for us..
I say live and let live, you can still believe in God and not make judgments about how others live, it’s easy. On the other hand people are not willing to accept transsexual story times in libraries for young children, I draw that line in the sand myself. To much grooming today, leave children alone.
It should be that some of the democrats and a couple of republicons are busy investigating the criminal actions of a wannabe dictator. At the same time the rest of the republicon party, aided by the so called christian right aka white nationalist, is busy trying to take away the rights of all americans. Yeah, that about sums it up.
Nobody is taking away your rights James, the scotus just removed the federal govt from being in charge of abortion. You have nothing to worry about abortions here in the nanny state , get aborted all ya want . Democrats are such hypocrites about womens rights, they could give a crap if a man says he’s a woman and totally takes over womens sports or using womens rest rooms. Why are democrats the party of baby killers . No values and a loss of moral compass . I’m happy to be a member of the GOP.
Brad, indeed, people can still believe in God and not make judgments about how others live.
Exactly . . . leave those kids alone . . .
It don’t matter no more
‘Cause you keep on bangin’ on a door
Can you see my tears
Flowin’ right down to the floor?
P.S. Trump deserves it . . .
Yeah, deserves to be the potus , I’m with that . No investigation yet has proved anything but lies from the left and spending millions on phony investigations
I totally accept diversity. I have no problem (politically or socially) with the sexual lifestyle of homosexuals in the privacy of their bedrooms. I have a moral issue with it, but that is my opinion and I recognize that is one not shared by all.
So here’s the question; do you recognize my right to have an opposing opinion and do you accept my opinion as diversity that you support and promote politically and socially? I’m other words, would you support and champion the idea of a Straight Pride Month with government sponsored support by taking out ads on TV and radio? Would you support tax dollars being spent to line the streets with Straight Pride Flags, and banner adds on busses? Would you define it, accept it and support the diversity by mandating the proper sex education in schools that show the well proven statistic that a lifestyle of homosexuality specifically reduces life expectancy by as much or more than 14%?
My problem is that the buzz word “diversity” doesn’t mean what the common vernacular projects.
Do you really support TRUE diversity??
Let me know.
I accept other opinions. I am not for paying for advertising against those who would celebrate Gay pride, I think there are too many people/organizations that do that anyway. The 14% quite possibly contains the death of people who choose a different life style . . . and so there’s a problem there with people threatening, which should never happen. People should be able to choose their lifestyle and should be able to discuss it without cat calls and worse. Discussion, yes . . . belligerence, no. Thanks for sharing and offering avenues of action and process. Don
Will, thank you for commenting. Indeed, accepting diversity, welcomes a wide range of thought and leaves pathways of others to follow to help with understanding of who we are, where we go, and what we can achieve.
Will, thank you for commenting. I agree. How boring it would be in a world of deniers. The world is always open and ready for change . . . and often it must change to continue to live. Don
Will, thank you for commenting. I agree. How boring it would be in a world of deniers. The world is always open and ready for change . . . and often it must change to continue to live. Don
And thats why we got aids and monkeypox
K.R. I believe aids and monkeypox affected people who were hemmed in and left little choice, which is unfortunate. A little more openness might have kept the problem at bay. Thank you for commenting.
“The ability to reproduce is only a small part of the creation.” Hmmmm? Had homosexuality been the norm (it’s not) back when our earliest ancestors were created (by what ever means) we wouldn’t be having this discussion……we wouldn’t be here. Indeed at least in the world of sexual reproduction homosexual sex does not reproduce anything.
Thank you for commenting. I always enjoy your input. I don’t see that homosexuality is the norm with mankind, either. It’s certainly not for everyone. It’s just something that nature offers and what some animals and creations take advantage of every now and then. Don
Don, the problem I have is your title “Sexual activity on a broad scale has done well for our world” which includes a lot of sexual activity that has done nothing well for our world. I’m sure you’re aware that rape has been a part of warfare as long as mankind has been at war. Perhaps you’ve heard of Korean “comfort women” who were sexually abused by the Japanese Army or the “rape of Nanking” to name a few instances. I’m sure they would not agree that sexual activity on a broad scale has done well for them. You also support homosexuality using animals as a “model” for human behavior. It may be “natural” (occurring in nature) but certainly it is not normal: there is a difference. The question remains “How has homosexuality done well for our world?”
Mark 7: 21-23
Jesus said, “21 For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23 All these evils come from inside and defile a person.”
I am soooo tired of Woke!
I agree , I don’t see any value in it what so ever
Thanks for commenting. I don’t know why you are tired of Woke. Could you explain. It seems like a message whose time is come and past , , , except for the fact that many people still don’t get it. “Woke is an English adjective meaning “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination” that originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.” – Wikipedia My question to you would be do you see us as not needing the content of the word? Do you see other people not needing to understand? Do you just assume we should all understand, do something about it and get along with the world? Actually I don’t like the word because I think it falls on deaf ears. Help me. Is there a better way to understand the need or do we not need the message any more? Thanks. Don
Pretentious Woke
what a waste of a paper I usually enjoy.
Thank you for commenting. I too like the publication. People sometimes disagree with my comments, which is fine, it’s a big world, but please share if you would why you think this article was a waste. What subjects interest you? Thanks, again for taking the time to let me know your thoughts. Don
In America you are free to destroy yourself by what ever means you wish, but the left wants to take you with them.
Go woke go broke, or worse.
Lead the life you wish, but do not try to lead me or mine in a direction we don’t want to go, unless you want the fight of your life.
Thank you for commenting. Believe me I do not want the fight of my life. I have a slightly crooked tooth from the eight grade to remind me. You are the second person to mention “woke” from my article. I don’t like the expression, but the object behind it is seems to be compensation for past treatment. Eventually, the U.S. compensated Americans of Japanese ancestry who were incarcerated and lost their homes, businesses, and freedom. Do you think Black Americans deserve less? They were slaves, whipped, and had virtually no rights for hundreds of years . . . but that has nothing to do with what my article was about. My article was about homosexual behavior in animals. However, my article must have triggered something in your reading. So, I’m just curious. Other than woke you seem to be giving the go-ahead. What kind of article would you like to see? What viewpoint? Thanks for both reading and writing. I appreciate commentary. Don
In the biological and biblical sense, sex (the verb) was meant for procreation. Same sex sex, is nothing more than a recreational activity. So stop trying to justify your dysfunction and get with the program.
Rj, thank you for writing. You are probably right about sex in the biblical sense, it quite possibly would depend on your bible, and/or other teachings of your church. I would disagree that same sex activity is nothing more than recreational activity, however. Not knowing the beliefs and feelings of all the creatures mentioned in my article and Wikipedia, I would guess it probably gives relief and enjoyment for whichever bug, or animal is taking part in the process. My function seems to be working as does the program, so I would suggest that rather than mere activity there is something more involved. Would you tell a bison that he was doing it wrong . . . or the same with a Monarch butterfly? Thanks for commenting. Don
Rather than get into a deep theological discussion (which would be fun but would take far too much time and space to write) I’ve decided to simply point out that if you use nature to justify a sexual behavior, you might want to be a little careful. Someone might bring up praying mantises, black widows, or female guppies. The former kill and eat their mates after sex, the latter has been known to eat her babies. 🙂
I really wish the left would quit smoking crack it completely fogs your brain and you can’t make rational decisions. just saying.
Chris, thanks for reading and commenting. Since I was talking about various animals and such, you might have said, “quit smoking crack it completely frogs your brain.” I always try to make rational decisions. Don
Thank you for writing and commenting. Yes, I understand about deep theological discussions and more . . one has to be careful at all times. My wife once told me “One more cup of coffee . . . and I can legally kill you.” Thanks for reading and sharing. Don
Such a thought provoking and balanced article. Unfortunately the ubiquitous political insults, with no bearing on the subject, were quickly inserted. It is stymying when insecure or the pompous overbearing sorts thwart a multi-view discussion. Thinking in absolutes is limiting and prevents learning about this wondrous world. Thank you for taking the time to share your writing.
“….insecure or the pompous overbearing sorts….”? Name calling (ad hominem attack) is a form of logical fallacy. Indeed calling names has “….no bearing on the subject.” Projection and transference are defense mechanisms. What exactly are you defending yourself against? An opposing point of view?
Hmm, you seem triggered? It isn’t all about you, but your response speaks volumes.
Not “triggered”, just rational. I haven’t resorted to name calling; you have as in “triggered”, “insecure”, “pompous” and “overbearing”. These insults against people you don’t know or have ever met expressing their opinions. What “volumes” exactly are you referring to? You really haven’t said anything in support of the article merely that you don’t like other’s opinions.
Oy vey! Mr.Arbenny, perhaps you should reread what I wrote? Your umbrage at others opinions that do not align with yours has been printed many times. No finger wagging at others that overtly brought in politics or calling names?
You might see yourself as an intellectual – I don’t know? I do surmise you love the last word from previous submissions. Fortunately, I don’t care, so go ahead. Your opinion of me matters naught.
V. Thanks for writing. I’m guessing this was a note to perhaps John Arbeeny. Don
Thank you, V. for Very astute. I’m glad you enjoyed my article. It allowed me the freedom to discuss and share my thoughts on several ideas at the same time. Don
Well Don and Peg, comments indicate you may have lost a few votes on this one, but you still have mine. It seems the intentionally unwoke crowd doesn’t miss a chance to attempt to cancel those different from themselves.
You wokies just don’t and won’t admit that most of us make decisions and go with them to produce something, rather than float thru life on a raft someone else built for you.
Art, wine, and psudo-intellectual banter will get you nowhere outside of your own head-bobbing circle.
I mean that in terms of “agreement”, so you need not blow a head gasket.
And I’m happy to be the unwoke , while the woke are for anything and everything I’m happy to draw a line and stand up for my values as a member of society. Mine may not be yours so we can disagree , nobody is canceling anyone by voicing their own opinions. Quit being so pompous.
Will, I never worry about votes. The main thing is to voice ideas and see if they take hold. I always like to hear about other ideas. You can never tell what might work and become self-evident in the blink of an eye. Things change . . . and sometimes “thinks” change as well. Don
Just checking, but do you only see things in absolute black and white? Any grey in there? Is it your way or the highway?
By “wokies” do you mean : alert to injustice in society, especially racism” or just anyone who has a different view which gives you permission to call them names or denigrate because your beliefs have authority over others?
I really have never seen you write anything positive on these forums. Kinda sad, but you do you and I wish you well. Shalom
By woke I pretty much mean petulant and directionless – exactly what I teach my kid not to be.
Do you speak for the Jewish culture, or do you just use some of their words?
I mostly address here, issues that I believe deserve a challenge, while leaving well enough alone.
As to diversity: You don’t know me but odds are, I’ve lead a far more diverse life than you.
From there, I am qualified to estimate what adds up and what doesn’t.
I know that no one defends a destructive lifestyle like an addict, and no one cows to destructive policy like a bureaucrat guarding a pension.
How about you answer Mr. Spithaler’s question above?
V, was this comment sent to me or someone else responding to me. I like to listen to other ideas, but I did grew up watching Fess Parker as Davy Crocket “Make sure you’re right and go straight ahead.” But that was before finding out that the fighters at the Alamo had given up their rights as U.S. citizens and sworn support of Mexico. Thanks. Don
Don, it was not meant for you. I had responded to another party and for some reason it had to be approved before it was released. I enjoyed your article and shared it with my nephew. There are so many interesting subjects in our world and I appreciated your composition of facts.
Keep up the good work!
By the way, in the natural world homosexual displays are often associated with expressing dominance rather than sexual attraction……….just as in human rape and prison sex. If that’s what you’re comfortable with then it is you who has the problem.
John, I must have missed the connection somewhere here. I didn’t know there was an actual problem and associations going on. Don
Dear Don and Peg. Thanks for the quote and sharing your thoughts.
Anthony, thanks for writing . . . and reading. My mind is constantly moving . . . like a paper target in the wind. Don
Take me off your subscription list please , I don’t need to wake up and read this crap. Seriously 🙏.
And Don, I recall warning you on one of your writings months ago the link you left went to a porno site, I had the courtesy to let you know, I now believe it’s part of your curriculum. You just posted the wrong link. 😂 I’m done with suburban times . Wokeness sucks and will be squashed in due time
Don’t leave Brad, we’re just getting this fight going.
That’s exactly what the woke left is about – division.
You’re in good company.
Don’t leave! The woke left wants you to leave so they have the playing field all to themselves. Rather than deal with the issue of this article “Sexual activity on a broad scale has done well for our world” and specifically homosexual sex, they castigate those who do deal with the issues. It’s called “deflection”: make the issue all about you and rather than the subject at hand. So back to the subject at hand: explain how homosexual sex “creates” or “reproduces” anything. How has it “done well for our world?”
I wrote the editor with my opinion about this article.
Brad, Thanks for writing, but why the insult? Don
So you have adopted your own special version of “woke.” Woke, a term from the 60’s regarding civil rights that was appropriated by white people for their own spin. Okay – answered that.
I had not spoken of diversity, but apparently you share you are an expert. Please forgive me ( I realize this is shameless), but is it the “the best diversity ever, like never seen before? The kind of diversity people have told you is the best.” Is your diversity born of experiences, viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences. The diversity that comes from tolerance of thought, ideas, people with differing viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences? You are awfully special I suppose since others probably have not had the opportunity for enlightenment as you.
Okay, I guess you put me in my place.
Somehow we have addicts and Bureaucrats thrown into the mix too?
If you have questions with Mr Spithaler why don’t you approach him. He seemed thoughtful and open to discussion.
Not sure why you questioned “Jewish words?” Was that offensive? Why would I be speaking for an entire culture? I speak for myself. Are you familiar with “mishpat?” Perhaps in your forward knowledge of diversity you already have experience with this concept. Shalom
You live under a bridge don’t you?
I am continuously confronted by those like you in Tacoma who do.
That’s all the time I have for you.
Are you speaking for the Hispanic culture?
Deflection again. Explain how homosexual sex “creates” or “reproduces” anything. How has it “done well for our world?”
All one has to do is go outside on almost any given day, depending where you live, and see populations of animals from common garter snakes to salmon. Almost anywhere you go on Earth, you find animal life . . . there would be more probably if we stopped using poisons and created fences along highways, roadways, and train tracks. “Sexual preference and motivation is always inferred from behavior.” Life expands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior
If we are no more than animals, then what is stopping us from fighting to the death for what we desire?
“The end justifies the means” is the essence of communism.
First it murders the spirit, then it murders as it wishes.
“Do as you wish” is the essence of Satanism, regardless of others, for they are simply the objects of desire.
Morality is nothing more than one’s ability to overcome animalistic desire.
If you believe that animals are our equals, well that opens doors to a whole world of outrageous behavior.
You haven’t answered the question Don:”Explain how homosexual sex “creates” or “reproduces” anything. How has “sex on a broad sense “done well for our world?” given all the examples where it has not.
Wow . . . I have no answer for you. I don’t understand how fighting to the death plays out. Animals mostly just pull back and retreat if they run into someone else stronger . . . the same goes with many politicians. Sorry, but I also don’t get the jump to communism. I don’t think we’ve ever really seen a fully communistic government. Some have called themselves that, but in the end the bigwigs all seem to enjoy their own pocket stuffing realities. I know of no satanistic animals, so I’m drawing a blank there also. Morality, now that’s the heart of the matter. Morals are good . . . don’t kill others, don’t hate others, don’t harm others, don’t lie to others, and try to help others when you can. Overcome animalistic desire? Animals are our equals? I guess here you are suggesting that homosexuality is animalistic desire . . . as opposed to what? You could say animals copulate purely for the purpose of procreation, but that would be a guess. I don’t believe that animals are our equals, but I do believe they have their own rights to live and enjoy life as much as they can . . . and the same goes for mankind. The link provided with the article illustrates that animals and humans often have the same desires and needs. Good or bad depends on your own viewpoint . . . just like life. Don
A conscience is what is supposed to separate us from animals.
Those without one (predators) are animalistic.
Of course you defend the pursuit of communism. So many mass-murderers in modern times have.
You’re an admitted atheist.
That places you, in your conscious mind, on top of the heap of all that is.
Yet you admit in your own writing to being a “ne’er do well”.
You’re all over the board man.
This is the type of nonsense conversation that distracts from anything worth while, and yes it begins to infest all areas of our lives.
Our universities are awash with nonsense and our military can’t attract qualified soldiers for what it’s become.
We have a workforce with limited skills and a diminishing work ethic.
We have a public debt obligation that is most likely unsustainable.
Normally I would pay no mind to writing such as yours, but there are so many civic issues that demand our attention, yet we can’t get past the minority fringe that screams continuously for attention.
You’re enjoying the freedom that others make possible Mr. Doman, but freedom ain’t free – nothing comes without a cost to someone.
Your idea of reality is a work of fiction, but then that is what you do.
Thanks for commenting, but we are poles apart. And personal attacks of what I am or what I do just leave me shaking my head and wondering where you get your ideas. I would hope that we both are trying to improve our communities and the world.
Thanks for the article, Don. Despite Tacoma being given the honorary distinction of “America’s Gayest City,” it’s obvious, from some of the comments here, that our city’s legacy of bigotry and hatred still lies beneath the surface of this great town. Fortunately, articles like yours are the literary equivalent of Whack-A-Mole. Or should I say Whack-A-Troll.