Pierce County Library System announcement.
PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – The Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees will discuss a lease for temporary space for the Lakewood Pierce County Library at a special board meeting on Friday, July 29, 2 p.m.
Join the meeting by phone, online or in-person:
- Phone: 253-215-8782, webinar identification: 865 2613 4468, passcode: 066377.
- Zoom with a Zoom account from a web browser or an app: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86526134468?pwd=alMxQkE3amM1SXo4MC91K2QvU2hxZz09
- Library’s Administrative Center, 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma.
The majority of the meeting will be in executive session as per the Board of Trustees’ bylaws property matters are discussed in executive session. Following the executive session, the board will return to the public session and may consider action to authorize the Library System to enter into negotiations to lease property for temporary space for Lakewood Library. Signing a lease and identifying the location would be considered at a future board meeting.
In June, the library system closed the aging Lakewood library, because it was in critical condition. For months, the library system has been looking for a temporary location to plan to offer library services in early 2023.
Architects’ building condition assessment estimated the current building at Wildaire Road SW requires $10 million-$15 million in repairs for improved safety and access, including replacing the roof and damage throughout the building from the leaky roof, HVAC and plumbing replacement, and many other needed improvements. Appraisers estimated the value of the current building at $1.5 million.
A community advisory committee, created by the Library System and the City of Lakewood, is reviewing options for how to provide quality library services in the long-term for Lakewood and Tillicum.
For more information: https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/about-us/board-trustees/board-agenda-packets/Default.htm
You could demolish it and build a new one for about 5 million.
Tear down the building and build a new one for about 5 million.
They could rent a storage space and use that.
The Zoom link is for July 7, 11:30am.
“The majority of the meeting was in executive session. In the public meeting portion of the meeting, the board of trustees approved library administrators to move forward with lease negotiations for a temporary Lakewood Library. That was the purpose of this actual meeting and the main outcome,” from an email exchange with Mary Getchell, Marketing and Communications Director for the Pierce County Library System. A news release will be issued next week with more details.