City of Lakewood announcement.
A SEPA Checklist application has been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department. Following is a description of the application and the process for review. The application and listed studies may be reviewed upon request.
APPLICATION NUMBER(s) AND NAMES: 2733- Copperstone Apartments – SEPA Checklist.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To construct 24 residential apartments units in two three story building, 58 parking stalls including three accessible stalls and one garage stall for an existing single family home to remain, internal circulation and access onto Steilacoom Boulevard SW via an existing driveway to be reconstructed to current standards. Currently the site has two – fourplex units and one duplex unit to remain. One existing single family home will be removed.
PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project is located at 6525 Steilacoom Blvd SW & 6610 88th Street SW.
TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: 0220353036 & 0220352173
ZONING: Multifamily 1 (MF1)
OTHER PERMITS/PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Boundary Line Adjustment, Site Development Permit, and Design Review, Building Permits.
OPTIONAL SEPA DNS PROCESS: An Environmental Review will be required pursuant to WAC 197-11-355. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-355 the City is electing to use the optional DNS process with this notice. The SEPA threshold determination for this proposal is expected to be a Determination of Non-significance (DNS). The comment period below may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of this proposal. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared; and a copy of the subsequent threshold determination for the specific proposal may be obtained upon request. The SEPA determination may be appealed to the City of Lakewood Hearing Examiner within 14 days of the date the SEPA determination becomes final.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: July 26, 2022- August 9, 2022 All persons may provide written comments about the proposal to the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA. 98499. Comments must be received by 5 P.M. on August 9, 2022. Any person wishing to become a party of record or desire a copy of the determination should include the request with theircomments. A party of record may appeal the SEPA determination to the City of Lakewood Hearing Examiner by filing a complete appeal application in accordance with Lakewood Municipal Code 18A.20.400.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicant: 88th Street Apartments, LLC- Ryan Carter 360.223.9876,
City: Ramon Rodriguez, City of Lakewood, 6000 Main Street, Lakewood, WA 98499; (253) 983 7802,