City of University Place announcement.

The City of University Place Engineering Department is presently in the process of creating a Stormwater Management Action Plan referred to as a SMAP. As a Phase II NPDES permittee, the City of University Place is required to prepare a Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP). The SMAP is intended to address the water quality of runoff within the jurisdiction so that a plan can then be created to protect runoff in a certain concentrated area within a prioritized watershed. The plan provides a watershed assessment, prioritization of a primary area to focus future restoration efforts on, as well as a description of these efforts. In addition, this Plan provides a schedule and estimated costs necessary to address the water quality needs either through retrofits of facilities or restoration work within the basin.
We are looking to provide public awareness of this process and are available for participation in the form of questions or comments regarding the two delineated watersheds within our city:
- Chambers Creek Basin
- Puget Sound Basin
In the map above you will see how the stormwater runoff in the Northwest half of our city drains to the Puget Sound Basin and the Southeast flows to the Chambers Creek Basin.
To learn more about this process, or for questions and comments please feel free to contact our NPDES Coordinator, Todd Smith, at TSmith@cityofup.comor 253.460.5432.