Downtown On the Go press release.

Tacoma – Curious about Downtown Tacoma? Want to get outside and celebrate summer? Then DOTG has the event for you! Starting out on August 4, the free challenge will send you on a journey through downtown to decode clues, do activities, and visit locations by walking, rolling or riding transit.
The hybrid event, sponsored by Pierce Transit, offers two ways to participate: complete the hunt virtually on your own between August 4 – 11 and submit answers via email, or pack the fun into one evening (like we used to!) between 5pm – 8pm on August 11, starting at Firefighters’ Park (909 A Street). Participants choosing the virtual hunt should register online by Monday, August 1, and will receive details and clue sheets via email at noon on Thursday, August 4. Everyone is invited to join us at the in-person celebration at Firefighters’ Park from 5 – 8pm on August 11 to pick up prizes, enjoy live music, activities and opportunities to meet DOTG staff, partners and sponsors.
Build a team of colleagues from work, grab a pal or two, work individually, or bring the family to learn more about active transportation, explore great Tacoma locations, and get out into the community. All ages are welcome. Scavenger hunters can work individually or create a team up to five members. Prizes will be awarded to teams and individuals who achieve certain point levels based on responses and activities. Engage with Downtown On the Go social media during the hunt by using unique hashtags, sharing photos and checking in at specific locations.
The Walk Tacoma series, sponsored by MultiCare, is a five-event walking series. The fun, themed walks, now in their thirteenth year, encourage people to enjoy downtown on foot by introducing new walking routes and sharing information about the community and its history through guided tours. All tours from 2020-2022 are now available to access virtually, learn more here. For more information on the full Walk Tacoma Series, find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.