Pierce County Library System announcement.
PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – The Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees will get an update on the Lakewood Pierce County Library and discuss other issues at its Board meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 3:30 p.m.
Join the meeting by phone, online or in-person:
- Phone: 253-215-8782, webinar identification: 853 3159 8218, passcode: 305939.
- Zoom with a Zoom account from a web browser or an app: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85331598218?pwd=TVRWcEVYTFY3N0tod0FSa1ZBV2xqQT09.
- Library’s Administrative Center, 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma.
Lakewood Library update. Sunday, June 5, 2022, Lakewood Library closed to prepare for service in a temporary location planned to open in early 2023. Library administrators made the difficult decision to close the building balancing safe, quality service to the public and for staff with responsibly managing taxpayers’ investment in the Library System. A core group of staff remain in Lakewood to support the move out efforts, to deliver summer programs, and to design and implement community outreach programs for the fall.
To determine how best to provide library service for Lakewood and Tillicum, the Pierce County Library System and the City of Lakewood created the Lakewood Library Building Community Advisory Committee from citizens who applied to volunteer on the committee. The committee held their first meeting Thursday, June 30 and discussed a variety of historical materials as well as building assessments. The committee is projected to give its recommendation to the Library Board of Trustees and City Council in fall 2022. The Board of Trustees will determine next steps.
For more information: https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/files/library/board-packet-07132022.pdf