Submitted by Ellie Wilson and Andie Gernon.
The Friends of Dr. Claudia Thomas are in partnership with Habitat for Humanity to sponsor a home in Lakewood’s Tillicum neighborhood. Building low-income housing in Tillicum is a project that Claudia Thomas would whole heartedly support.
As Friends, we feel building a Habitat House in Tillicum is a fitting way to pay homage to Claudia’s legacy in Lakewood. Sponsoring a Habitat House requires $100,000 to begin construction. Several private donors have already committed $50,000+ in verbal pledges and we are now ready to open this project to the public.
The first house in this 12-unit Habitat Project will be known as the Dr. Claudia Thomas Legacy House with construction beginning next spring in 2023. Donations and pledges are requested by September 20th of 2022. Prior to ground-breaking next year, we will be campaigning for hands-on worker bees in helping with construction.
For additional information and to make a donation, click here. Please indicate Claudia Thomas House on your donation.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Andie Gernon and Ellie Wilson, Co-Chairs
253-973-1932 or 253-582-9249
Honorary Chairs: Gen. Bill Harrison and JoEthel Smith
Friends of Dr. Claudia Thomas: David Boyd, Mary Green, Natalie Humphrey, Sally Saunders
City Liaison: Mary Dodsworth
A marvelous idea, valued project and splendid tribute to a great lady. Happy to help. THANK YOU.