Submitted by Loujanna ‘LJ’ Rohrer and Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Grasher.

Join us for Steilacoom’s First National Night Out (NNO) on Tuesday, August 2nd from 6-8 pm, an inaugural event sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Steilacoom. NNO focuses on enhancing the relationships between neighbors and first responders, all while building a sense of community. This year, 14 block parties will be hosted throughout the Town.
To register for a block party near you, please visit the Kiwanis Club of Steilacoom website and click on the National Night Out tab. Link is here: Registration is not required, but it is helpful. Additionally, interested residents from neighboring communities are encouraged to register for the Tennis Court location (on Lafayette St.).
Steilacoom Public Safety, West Pierce Fire Firefighters, Steilacoom Town Council Members, and Steilacoom Historical School District Board Members will be stopping at block parties to visit, answer questions, and get to know you, our amazing community! We are looking forward to a great event!
For further information or questions please contact Steilacoom’s NNO Co-chairs:
Loujanna Rohrer, (253) 720-2045,
Liz Grasher, (253) 316-3709,
Thank you!