Pierce County Library System announcement.
The Lakewood Library Community Advisory Committee is meeting on Thursday, June 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., to discuss how best to provide library service for Lakewood and Tillicum, a neighborhood in Lakewood. The Pierce County Library System and the City of Lakewood created the advisory committee from citizens who applied to volunteer on the committee.
Join the meeting via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81019790848 Meeting ID: 810 1979 0848 or watch in-person at the Pierce County Library’s Administrative Center, 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma.
Send public comments to lakewoodcac@pcls.us.
The committee is charged with the following:
- Understanding public input from 2019.
- Assessing public input gathered this summer in surveys, interviews and at public events.
- Reviewing the significant building needs.
- Providing advice to the Library System about how it could best provide library services for Lakewood.
For the Lakewood Pierce County Library, the committee is expected to recommend whether to:
- Retain the current facility.
- Build a new library on a different site.
- Build a new library on the current site.
- Renovate another building elsewhere in the community.
For the Tillicum Pierce County Library, the committee is expected to recommend whether to:
- Retain the current facility.
- Build a new library on a different site.
The committee is projected to give its recommendation to the Library Board of Trustees and City Council in fall 2022. The Board of Trustees will determine next steps.
Architects’ building condition assessment estimated the building requires $10 million-$15 million in repairs for improved safety and access, including replacing the roof and damage throughout the building from the leaky roof, replacing the elevator, HVAC replacement, plumbing system replacement, windows/door upgrades, and many other needed improvements.
This spring, the Library System made the difficult decision close the building and is preparing for services in a temporary location.
More information at lakewoodcac@pcls.us
When is the next meeting?
The Lakewood Library Community Advisory Committee is meeting on Thursday, June 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.