Talks with the Chief: Why do police officers use handcuffs
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Tacoma Police Department announcement.
Police Chief Avery Moore discusses the reasoning behind using handcuffs in the law enforcement profession.
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Reader Interactions
Joseph Boylesays
Chief Moore:
You selected a narrow, but important topic for the first “Talks With The Chief” that I have seen.
Good job with your creative topic selection. The subject of handcuffs is something no one talks about. Your short video is a valuable educational effort which can help the general public gain greater understanding of police actions.
My perspective is based on my experience using handcuffs while serving as a Pierce County Deputy Sheriff for 25 years.
Joseph Boyle – Former PIerce County Resident 62 years
Chief Moore:
You selected a narrow, but important topic for the first “Talks With The Chief” that I have seen.
Good job with your creative topic selection. The subject of handcuffs is something no one talks about. Your short video is a valuable educational effort which can help the general public gain greater understanding of police actions.
My perspective is based on my experience using handcuffs while serving as a Pierce County Deputy Sheriff for 25 years.
Joseph Boyle – Former PIerce County Resident 62 years