The Clover Park School District board censured one of its members Monday, June 13 evening for harassing, intimidating and bullying the district’s superintendent. Read more at The News Tribune website.
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Again? How were they given a second chance?
As a former (financial and voting) supporter of Paul Wageman, I am appalled that he is apparently incapable of working cooperatively with the Board he sought to join and on behalf of the public he sought to serve. That he appears to be taking a playbook from a certain ex-president is even more appalling.
Equity: justice according to natural law or right.
Specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism.
Affirmative action: positive discrimination.
Picture Forrest Gump: “I’m not a smart man, but I do know what discrimination is”.
Ben, I thought you weren’t going to publish
this stuff in your paper anymore…?
It seems as if politics have taken over the board. Virtually everyday Congressman Kilmer boasts of his accomplishments.
There is a huge difference between real facts being reported that have community importance versus those disgusting personal attacks of last summer that caused the Suburban Times to stop publishinh them. I believe people directly associated with a political group were behind that sick effort to sling mud and it went unchecked for a long time. People were left to fight back as best they could. I’m just glad it finally was stopped.
To ignore the behavior of any elected school board member who has engaged in the type of behavior as has been found to be true in this complaint against Paul Wagemann, would be unnacceptable. A legal investigation was completed and citizens should be informed. I feel there are those in this community who would very much like to sweep Wagemann’s behavior under the rug because they find themselves in agreement with his words, actions and/or politics. That just simply will no longer be tolerated. His personal actions are responsible for the negative attention he is now receiving. He is no victim, but plays one. In my book, three strikes and you’re out! No good business would put up with this type of behavior.
I thank the Suburban Times for publishing this link to the TNT article.
K. R.., “No election, candidate, or ballot related content, of any kind, will be published on The Suburban Times. If you’d like to know why, click here.” The Clover Park School Board is composed of members elected by the community, but this isn’t a candidate, election, or ballot related story.
I read the Tribune article and watched the associated video. I have attended CPSD board meetings in spurts over the years. I have talked with both men involved, on several occations. I hope both of them read this as I see that both are well intentioned individuals. I am hopeful that mediation can bring a common ground for them so that the two of them can focus on the work that needs to be done for the students. A true education from the District is what is needed.
In the video, from my perspective, I hope everyone can focus on what the 4th speaker shared. Too often the board meetings are empty, too often school events are under attended and too often there is a lack of student success. Not all of this blame sits with the District. The community at large needs to evaluate why they aren’t involved.
I have worked for the district on three occasions, the last being as a coach. It is truly disheartening seeing few CPSD parents in the stands with the away teams having more representation at home events hosted in CPSD venues.