Sound Transit announcement.
Interested in learning about efforts to improve safe walking, bicycling, and rolling in Tacoma? Attend the City of Tacoma’s Vision Zero Open House: Saturday, June 18, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., STAR Center, 3873 South 66th St, Tacoma. You’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback on Tacoma’s draft Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate serious and fatal traffic collisions.
Plus, Sound Transit will have a table at the event where you can learn about walking, bicycling, and other improvements we’re studying in the area to improve access to South Tacoma Station.
As a reminder, we completed an Alternatives Analysis report earlier this year, which describes all the improvements we’re studying to improve access to South Tacoma Station. We have begun our in-depth engineering review and expect to have more detailed information to share later this year.