City of Tacoma announcement.
The City of Tacoma’s new driver safety campaign asks drivers to “Show Some Love. Check Your Speed.” This campaign, running now through September 2022, is one effort to curb speeding across Tacoma.
Hosted by the City’s Safe Routes to School and Vision Zero programs within the Public Works Department, the campaign encourages people driving to drive 20 miles per hour or less near schools and on residential streets across Tacoma. In addition to roads around schools and in neighborhoods, there is a focus on the Lincoln International District, the 6th Avenue Business District, and the Fern Hill Neighborhood. These areas were selected because they offer community assets for people to walk to schools, parks, and business districts, and yet these areas they experience a high number of collisions.
Residents who live or own businesses in these focus areas can receive campaign materials to encourage drivers to slow down. Materials include yard signs and flyers that residents can mount in their yards or windows (while supplies last.) These items are available in six languages, including English, Español, Tiếng Việt, 한국인, Русский, ភាសាខ្មែរ.
This campaign also encourages residents to take the pledge. Participants can print the flyer, sign the pledge, and display it as a reminder to drive 20 miles per hour or less around schools and in neighborhoods. Participants can take a photo of themselves holding their pledge and share it on social media with the hashtag #VisionZeroTacoma.
To find events where campaign staff will be available to answer questions, and distribute yard signs and flyers, visit or email