City of Tacoma announcement.
The City of Tacoma’s Senior Centers, Lighthouse Activity Center (5016 A Street) and Beacon Activity Center (415 South 13th Street), reopened for senior center services this week.
On June 6, Tacoma residents who are 60 years and older were able to attend in-person activities at the centers for the first time since March 2020.
“We are extremely excited to welcome our seniors back to our centers,” said Vicky McLaurin, Interim Assistant Neighborhood and Community Services Director. “We know the pandemic and the resulting closure to in-person activities was challenging on our participants, which is why we are grateful that we are finally able to restart our programming and reopen the centers.”
The centers, operated by the Korean Women’s Association, will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m on the following schedule:
- Mondays and Tuesdays – at Beacon Activity Center (415 13th Street)
- Thursdays and Fridays – at Lighthouse Activity Center (5016 A Street)
- Wednesdays – No Programming Available, “To Go” lunches are available
Lunches, provided by Catholic Community Services, are available to Tacoma seniors (age 60 years and older) Monday through Friday on a first come-first serve basis, from 12 PM to 12:30 PM.
Lunch at Beacon Activity Center:
- Sit-down lunches are available on Monday and Tuesday
- “To Go” lunches are available on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Lunch at Lighthouse Activity Center:
- Sit-down lunches are available on Thursday and Friday
- “To Go” lunches are available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Lunch delivery may also be arranged (on Wednesdays only) within Tacoma city limits. Please note that there is limited capacity for lunch delivery, and you must register for meals in advance. To register for meals, and for more information about Wednesday lunch delivery, please call (253) 474-1200.
For more information about the centers, visit