Downtown On the Go announcement.

Tacoma, Wash. – To celebrate Ride Transit Month, Downtown On the Go is riding the bus with Pierce Conservation District. The event will take place on Thursday, June 23rd from 11:30 am to 1 pm. Participants will meet at Commerce Street Transfer Area Zone C to ride Pierce Transit Route 41 through Tacoma’s Eastside to the Swan Creek Park Community Garden, then return to Commerce Street.
Pierce Conservation District Executive Director Dana Coggon will highlight PCD’s recent community work in the Eastside, including at Roosevelt Elementary and Swan Creek Park. Ride the Bus events are a celebration of community and transit in Tacoma, highlighting local organizations and leaders while getting Tacomans out on transit.
Space is limited, registration is required. Loaded ORCA cards will be provided to participants. Thank you to Pierce Transit for their partnership, and Rainier Connect for sponsoring Downtown On the Go’s 2022 Ride Transit Month events.
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