Submitted by Diane Formoso.
Caring for Kids is working every day to make a difference in the lives of our kids in need.
Last month was busy with our garage sale and Open House. Both of the events took a lot of preparation, but they were very successful.
This year, after two long years, we will be having our three Ready to Learn Fair events. The first Fair for all three school districts will be held at Harrison Preparatory on August 13th from 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 Noon. There will be school supplies, hygiene products, haircuts by Clover Park Technical College, bike helmets by West Pierce Fire, good used toys, new and good used clothing and a hot dog brunch.
The other back to school events will be held at Springbrook Park on August 16th at 5:00 P.M. and at Tillicum Community Center on August 18th at 5:00 P.M.
On June 15th we will be collecting the lost and found from 29 schools in Clover Park, Steilacoom and University Place School districts. The clothing is brought into the Center. Our volunteers check each piece of clothing for zippers that work, holes, etc, and then pack them in bags ready to wash and dry with no folding. The folding is done later as we prepare the bags by size and sex. We can always use volunteers to help us wash and dry clothes!
Donations of new underwear of any size, Ticonderoga pencils and Crayola crayons, colored pencils and markers in both sizes are needed. We will be take donations for both the events and our school supply bank.
Questions call Diane 253-279-9777 or email at