Pierce County Library System announcement.
The Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees will discuss the 2023 budget, get an update on the Lakewood Pierce County Library, and discuss other issues at its Board meeting on Wednesday, June 8, 3:30 p.m.
Join the meeting by phone or online:
- Phone: 253-215-8782, webinar identification: 853 3159 8218, passcode: 305939
- Zoom with a Zoom account from a web browser or an app: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85331598218?pwd=TVRWcEVYTFY3N0tod0FSa1ZBV2xqQT09
2023 Library budget. Library administrators will brief the Board on the 2023 work plan and budget process, which will begin in July. In planning for the 2023 work plan and budget, the Board will review the Library’s Strategic Framework, created with significant input from the public. The framework guides the Library System in how it invests the public’s monies in top priority services, defined by the public. The framework includes three focus areas for library services in learning, enjoyment and community as well as core services the public can rely on as stable programs. 2023 budget considerations will also include inflation for the costs of operating the library system from the price of books and materials to fuel costs, which are affecting most businesses and individuals.
Lakewood Library update. Sunday, June 5, 2022, Lakewood Library closed to prepare for service in a temporary location planned to open in late 2022. Library administrators made the difficult decision to close the building balancing safe, quality service to the public and for staff with responsibly managing taxpayers’ investment in the Library System. Even though, the building is safe for access now, the roof is in critical condition and needs redesigning and rebuilding. The costs for repairs and replacements outweigh the value of the building. At this time, the Library System does not plan to invest further in the current building and determined further investments are cost prohibitive. The Library System will await a recommendation from a community advisory committee and a decision by the Board of Trustees before investing further.
Next steps to prepare for service from the temporary location include removing books and materials, computers and equipment, furniture and other items from the building. In addition, the Library System is working to secure space in Lakewood Towne Center to offer library services planned for later this year. In the summer months, staff will provide Summer Reading classes and events throughout the community. Starting in June, a 12-member community advisory committee will review public input from recent years, analyze the significant building needs, and provide advice to the Library System about how it could best provide library services for Lakewood and the Tillicum neighborhood. The City of Lakewood and the Library System created the advisory committee.
For more information: https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/files/library/board-packet-06082022.pdf
Walter Neary says
Please note that this meeting is also going to have an update about the downtown Lakewood library.