A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Custer Elementary School first grader Eero Hilton.
Eero is precocious and enjoys learning so much that it often takes a moment for the adults in the room to catch up with him. This year, he has been challenging himself in the classroom and is grateful to his teacher for supporting his learning. “I really like Ms. Schneller. She is great,” he said. “I like participating in class by raising my hand and helping other students.”
Eero is excelling in all his subjects, but reading is his favorite activity. “I normally read a lot of chapter books,” he said. “I have a fifth grade reading level.”
He is always moving on to a new story. “Right now, my favorite book is ‘Dog Man: Grime and Punishment’ because he’s a dog and a man, but he’s really just a hero who’s great at his job,” he said.
PowerPoint presentations are another passion for Eero. His many presentations, including a hilarious tutorial on how to make pizza, are a way for Eero to show his creativity, improve his grammar skills and learn a new technology.
He enjoys attending Custer where he can explore his interests while working and learning alongside his classmates. “School is great. When I wake up, I look forward to every single part of my day,” he said.
When Eero is older, he has no hesitation as to what his career will be. “I’m going to be a comedian,” he said. “Comedy is my favorite thing. I like to make jokes and my parents call me Captain Literal.”
The newest PowerPoint Eero is working on is titled, “Best of Comedy Movies,” and features the influential works of comedians from the 1980s including Mel Brooks, Rick Moranis and more.