Submitted by Dance Theatre Northwest.

Dance Theatre Northwest presents dynamic dance to inspire and delight. New York guest artist Richard Philion is back. Featured performers also include guest artist Adeline Campbell Prest, Fancy Williams, Emma Young, Sophie Herrera, Phoebe Holland, and Joanna Mesler. Performance will include excerpts from DTNW’s Swan Lake along with classical ballet, tap, musical theatre and jazz style favorites guaranteed to enchant you. DTNW’s Artistic Director, Melanie Kirk-Stauffer, will narrate.

Performance takes place at 7PM on June 10 at the beautiful Monarch Theatre at Our Church at 5000 67th Avenue West in University Place, WA. This venue is handicapped accessible and has free parking. Tickets are still available through and at the door. For more information, please email or visit the website at
(Masks optional for audience members)