Submitted by Tom Riggs.

Pat Tillman Memorial Post 53 American Legion Auxiliary will be distributing poppies at the ACE Hardware in DuPont, WA on Friday May 27 from 10AM until 2PM. May 27, 2022 is National Poppy Day, a special day of recognition for Service Members who died in service to our nation. Poppies are free for everyone but a small donation would be appreciated.
Inspired by the World War I poem “In Flanders Fields,” in which the opening lines refer to poppies that were the first flowers to grow in the soil from soldiers’ graves in the Flanders region of Belgium, these small red flowers were adopted by the National American Legion as their official symbol of remembrance in 1920.
Poppy Day is celebrated in countries around the world. The American Legion brought National Poppy Day to the United States by asking Congress to designate the Friday before Memorial Day, as National Poppy Day. On May 27, please wear a red poppy to honor the fallen and support the living who have worn our nation’s uniform.
The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. Wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform.
While you are there, ask how you can join us as we continue our service to America. Membership in the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, or the American Legion Auxiliary is open to all and we would welcome you as part of our Legion Family.
If you are considering a unique way to honor our nation’s fallen service members please consider purchasing a wreath from Wreaths Across America. We will gladly place the wreath for you on a veterans grave for the holidays. Wreaths are only $15 each and this is a tremendous way to show you care. Visit to purchase your wreaths.