Submitted by Susan Berven, Lakewood Elks #2388.

The Lakewood Elks Summerfest Car & Motorcycle Show will be held Saturday, July 16th, 11:00 am-5:00 pm.
Get Ready to Rock with the Tim Hall Band. Beer/Wine Garden and food for purchase. Trophies awarded 3:00 pm. Elks Charity Raffle tickets $1 each, great prize baskets with drawings every 1/2 hour, 1:00-3:00 pm. Give generously, raffle proceeds go to Lakewood Elk’s charity organizations.
Enter your cool ride … show vehicle move-in is 9:00 am-10 am. Print and mail the Registration Form to the Lakewood Elks, or call, email, or pick up the form at the Lakewood Elks Lodge.
See flyer (above) and registration for more details, address, phone. Return registration ASAP … Thank You!