Steilacoom Historical Museum Association announcement.

Have A Seat – A Collection of Chairs and Their Stories is the current temporary exhibit at the Steilacoom Historical Museum. Chairs are ubiquitous, something we don’t usually give a thought to; we just sit on them. But some of them have special places in history by virtue of their design, their owners or who made them.
Visit the museum and discover see what a multi-purpose turn of the century baby’s high chair that turns into a stroller looks like, or imagine how an infirm person might get around in a Victorian era invalid’s chair. Find out the story behind two rawhide seat chairs made in what is now Lakewood in the 1860’s for the Steilacoom Masonic Hall. Or take a look at a chair made out of a tin can for dollhouse play.
There will be thirty stories to entertain and educate you. From now on you might think twice about where you sit and the hidden story that is beneath you! Chairs from the Museum collections, as well as a few on loan are found throughout the Museum. Information on each chair is compiled into a small booklet which visitors can use to find out the individual stories. Some stories involve specific people and places, others involve the type of chair and the design.
From now on you might think twice about where you sit and the hidden story that is beneath you! Thanks to Roger and Lynn Neal, Ruth Hoss, Joan Curtis, G’s Antiques and Lee Ann Ufford who loaned items for the display.
The Steilacoom Historical Museum is located at 1801 Rainier Street in Steilacoom, open Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00. Admission is by donation and it is proud to be a Blue Star Museum. The 1857 Nathaniel Orr Home and the Orr Wagon Shop are also open for tours. The Have A Seat exhibit will continue through June. Contact the Museum at or at 253-584-4133.