Submitted by Phil Raschke.

110 years ago the majestic passenger ship “Titanic” sank on its maiden voyage from Southhampton, England toNew York City after striking an iceberg. Over 1500 people died in the tragedy including some of the richest in the world when the ship eventually slid 12,000 feet beneath the icy ocean. Today, the “Titanic” sinking still captures the imagination of the public.
Now, on 10 May, you can learn the true story of this epic disaster from Peter Cook a member of the Titanic HistoricalSociety and the British Titanic Society. Peter’s presentation is titled “The Titanic, the Iceberg and the Rest of the Story”. Peter’s presentation will also include memorabilia and artifacts raised from the sunken Titanic plus a previously unknown connection to Lakewood.
This is a presentation you definitely won’t want to miss!
The presentation is free to the public, but seating is limited and on a first come basis.

Meet the presenter starts at 6:00 pm. “Titanic” presentation begins at 6:30 pm. Light refreshments will be available.
The newly renovated Lakewood History Museum is located at 6114 Motor Avenue SW next to the iconic 1937 Lakewood Theater and across from the Best Western motel. Parking is free, but limited. For more information, call 253-682-3480. Covid masks available, but not required.
Don’t miss this exciting and highly informative presentation!
Also, mark June 21 on your calendar for our next program “America’s Buffalo Soldiers, 1866 to 1948, Fact and Fiction”
Lakewood History Museum … “Preserving Yesterday, Educating Tomorrow”.