City of Lakewood announcement.
Saturday was Parks Appreciation Day, an annual tradition in Pierce County. Each spring, local cities celebrate by organizing volunteer events at local parks. Scores of volunteers showed up Saturday in Lakewood to beautify their parks.

They spread mulch, picked up trash, covered graffiti, painted, and more. As summer approaches, thousands will enjoy Lakewood’s beautiful parks, made more so by Saturday’s volunteers.
Six cleanups occurred in Lakewood this weekend: American Lake Park, Fort Steilacoom Park, Springbrook Park, the 112th Street Community Garden, Wards Lake Park, and Kiwanis Park. Over 200 volunteers helped out at the six cleanups.
At Springbrook Park, volunteers spread new chips in the playground. Volunteers also helped to pick up trash along Clover Creek while City maintenance staff covered graffiti.
Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen rolled up her sleeves and shoveled chips into wheelbarrows. Other volunteers from The Little Church on the Prairie, Lakewood Steilacoom Young Life, the Lakewood First Lions Club, and other groups pitched in, too.
At Fort Steilacoom Park, Mayor Whalen bought two big, bright-red planters for the Pavilion stage. Volunteers from the Lakes High School Key Club helped spread fresh mulch in the play area. Clover Park School District Superintendent Ron Banner helped pressure wash the pavilion facade.
At American Lake Park, West Pierce Fire & Rescue, the American Lake Improvement Club, the Lake City Neighborhood Association, and local families volunteered. They painted the picnic shelter and bathroom building, then cleaned up the swim area by picking up debris.
At Wards Lake Park, Rotarians, Lions, and local families and businesses helped restore trails and paint the restroom building. Others helped pull weeds and spread new chips in the playground.
Members of Lakewood’s Parks & Recreation Advisory Board hosted at each site.
To start volunteering in Lakewood, visit the City’s Volunteer Page, or form a group to “Adopt A Street” and pick up litter.

Awesome job Lakewood community members. Too bad that the work at Kiwanis Park has been nullified with the nightly visitors and current occupied vehicle crowd.