Submitted by Steilacoom Garden Club.

The Steilacoom Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 7th, 2022, the day before Mother’s Day! There will be a variety of plants, to include heritage plants, herbs, annuals, bulbs, perennials, ground covers, shrubs and more. There will be painted flowerpots for your new plants and bird houses available for purchase.
All funds raised go to support the Steilacoom Garden Club activities: Memorial Day wreath honoring veterans, summer hanging baskets throughout the town, the Fall Scarecrow Contest and Christmas swags for the town businesses and the JBLM 42nd MP Memorial.
The sale is located on Lafayette Street, on the multipurpose court next to the Bair Drug (1617 Lafayette St, Steilacoom). The sale will run from 9am until noon on May 7th, rain or shine. Donations of plants are greatly appreciated! Donations may be brought to the multi-purpose court on Friday, May 6th between 4:00-6:00 or on Saturday morning.
Remember, Mother’s Day is the next day. This a perfect opportunity to find a fun/lovely plant for Mom or a small gift, birdhouse or other treasure. And you can always find good plants for your own yard too.
See you May 7th, 9:00 – 12:00.